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Oregon Legal Weed Law Breaks Ground? Not Really.


The modern stoner may not do a ten year blast for weed seeds.

Getting high and getting caught isn’t a one way ticket to the felon life, but you will pay a price if you don’t follow the rules.

Toward that end a radio ad explains how you should educate before you recreate.

If you’re a Portland baby boomer and you’ve heard it, don’t be alarmed if it sounds familiar.

Educate. Before you. Recreate.

The educate part is: Don’t carry weed across state lines.

Like the Mann Act and prostitution, there’s some things that don’t travel well.

If you travel with weed and prostitutes you may fall into the area of the Weed/Mann Act.

So? Educate. Then recreate.

You may not smoke in public.

If you’re idea of a good time is walking the Eastside Esplanade and lighting up under every bridge along the way, don’t do it.

Leave your bong at home, son. Don’t take your bong to town. (With thanks to Kenny Rogers and Ruby.)

Educate before you recreate with baby boomers. They’ve got more experience.

Boomers are the original Learn and Burn crowd.

It was a college dorm ritual.

If you couldn’t get high AND pass classes you were just too dumb for school.

Today’s educate before you recreate reminder feels familiar enough. And it’s a good idea.

If you haven’t learned, start now, just do it right.

Unless you’ve spent the last decade living under one of Bridge City’s bridges, or live in Senior housing with more smoking restrictions than a 767 bathroom, start your learning with a wake and bake.

Yes, wake and bake sounds like something from a hippie handbook for cooperative communal living. Why? Ask an old hippie.

Science says modern weed is so much stronger than anytime before.

More powerful medicine, more powerful drug. You’ve seen the flower pictures? Maybe bought a corsage?

The bud looks like something seen under a microscope, like the weird stuff you see on your skin.

What you’re looking at is some farmers prize crop.

Weed farmers and regular farmers share some of the same DNA. It’s a crop and all crops need tending.

What doesn’t need tending is Mexican Cartel weed. Several exposures to writers and research on the Cartels reveals a few truths.

1. Rival Cartels go to war over territory, the land drug smugglers use to move from south to north. If a drug runner takes the wrong route, they pay. Sometimes with their life.

2. Not every stoner has their own grower who follows the recipe. Mexican weed finds its way to America because of the demand, and that weed might be infused with the wrong fertilizer.

3. Cocaine lords follow weed smugglers. If the weed guys have a successful business, the coke guys offer their stuff. If the weed guys lose the coke, or don’t sell it; if they don’t deliver the money, then you read about heads lined up on the curb that used to belong to weed guys.

4. With a drop in weed demand, Mexican drug producers have amped up Tar Heroin for the pill crowd who can’t get their oxi.

A recent critic said young Americans insist on single source coffee, organic free roaming chicken, but then buy weed produced by slave labor and delivered by murderers.

On a more pressing note, legal weed or not, if you work in a drug tested job it will end with a failed test.

All the inroads and progress celebrated by legal weed in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and the District falls to the side in the face of harsh reality.

The penalties of jail and life as a felon for weed might be gone, but toke up and fail a job mandated drug test.

Then you’ll see the other law.



About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.