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Standing Down In America, Vote Nov. 6, 2018





A game has rules, a score, a winner, and a loser.

Good sportsmanship comforts the loser, tells them they’ll do better next time.

The winner stands in the light to receive their accolades.

Voting is a little different.

If you candidate wins do they see it as an opportunity to lead, or belittle their opponent. Is it their chance to act like a winner, or attack their opponent for losing.

People who win the wrong way get it wrong; people who lose the right way know they gave it all they had.

What do you look for in an election? Is the party hack tied to the concepts they’ve been told to tie themselves to, or a breath of fresh air expanding the view for their voters?

If fresh air means honesty to you?


If an understandable conversation means something?


Line up your ballot with your beliefs.

And vote.

See, I’m not leaning one way or the other, but you are. If your vote goes against my grain, at least you’re in the game.

That’s the play.


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.