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Sutton Sorensen Rides

From Kung Fu Bakery To Nashville Do you have friends online? Subscribe to their blogs? Listen to their Sound Cloud? Or you say you do then delete the email on delivery. Who would know if you read and listened to everything, or not? At least you subscribed and made that effort. But what do you […]

A Boomer Walk

Take A Walk On The Wild East Side Of PDX The Eastbank Esplanade is the place to start. To get there, find a distinctive landmark, like a huge pile of broken concrete. You’ll see it looking east from the north bound lanes of the Marquam Bridge. Take the Water Ave. exit and turn right. If […]

Blogger Trust

Do Backlinks Matter More Than You Think Let’s say you write a post, a glowing review of an event you actually attended. The venue was good, the presentations on time, the take-aways all you expected. You write the review, hook up the SEO, and send the link from your blog to the sponsors of the […]

The Boomer Blogger Point

Is It Really About The Money Successful people knows the answer, but they usually say something like, “follow your heart and the money will come.” What they don’t talk about is the time it took to find their heart. You’ve heard this said, “You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet.” Making […]

Portland, A Safe Boomer City

The Difference Is The Steel A big measure of safety in a city comes in a crime report. Or a weather channel. Or a geological survey. NW Boomer looks at the built environment. One part keeps you safe inside, another gets you safely outside. It’s not the same as cast iron architecture. Take a look and […]