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writer tigard


Like Mr. Trump, I own property. Unlike Mr. Trump, I don’t license property. Would I like to license property? Sure, who wouldn’t like the passive income of licensed property, until things go off the tracks.


Is boomerpdx a licensed property? Yes. Licensed to me, based on the internet rules of the game. Is there passive income that allows me to live the life of luxury?


This is where you come in.


Are there other sites related to demographics, age groups, select individuals useful to readers? Not hard to find, they’re all over the place from the looks of it, but that’s not the point.


Boomerpdx is a result of an intense study of local needs. And since Portland Oregon is in the intense ‘need zone’ of young people across the nation, you’ll want to send me money if you’re stuck in a relationship headed Portland way.


Here’s why:


I took a sequence of classes to justify my existence. Was there ever a question? Yes. My wife knew someone who knew someone who sounded like just the ticket, so I enrolled. It was an expensive exchange where I shared a classroom with a steampunk artist and an ‘entrepreneur with a book’ instructor who saw baby boomers as an essential market. The two of us and the guru, so three.


writer tigard

The instructor filled the room with dreams and hopes and a step by step map of achieving those dreams, especially if you dreamed, like I do, of living on the the edge of participation in others’ dreams, like a wife, significant other, family member, cat, dog, fish. If fish dream. She knew the path since she built it.


Let’s start together on the wife dream part.


If you marry you become part of your spouse’s family, that is if they are a decent family and you’re not getting married for the seventh time. If that’s you, like my Texas granddad, I can’t help you, but you can help yourself. In the meantime, let’s stick to the point.


You’ve heard about Portland, Portlandia, the Portland Dream, Reed College. It all feels like everything is in place for a new life. You’ve got a plan, but I guarantee it will change after you’ve been here a few years. The city does it to you. The state does it to you. You end up doing it too. What to do?


writer tigard

Taking a business class in under-graduate, graduate, or post-grad, means you’ve learned something, but not enough. You’re like doctors complaining about the business classes in med school. They’re not any. So they take classes suited to their level of interest when the money starts rolling in. Like engineers, doctors can’t restrain themselves. They need to learn more. About everything. They already know the ‘where it hurts’ stuff.


What you need to know is that no one comes to Portland to retire and kickback for the rest of their lives. This place doesn’t have the weather for that lifestyle. You need to know that from the start or you’ll be the one hurting.


However, there are things you can’t learn unless you’ve been there, been in the arena, on the stage. Say you’ve made the big jump from your hometown, the last city you moved to, or from overseas. Big adventures in life start with a great road trip. In all of the excitement and change don’t lose track of yourself.


writer tigard

In 2018 Writer Tigard there’s little to separate one suburb from another. If you come to Portland and meet the love of your life who dreams in suburban scenes, but you love the life at NW 21st and Lovejoy, the view from SE 11th and Lincoln, get ready. You feel the thrill of riding the wave of urban density. With all of that and your special someone, you’re moving to Writer Tigard for the best years of your life never ending.


At least that was me until stage 4 hpv16 neck cancer showed up and I was getting my sh!t radiated while listening to Mr. Trump rail against Obamacare, pre-existing conditions, and killing my general moral. The mood was dark. Just like where ever you came from, weather isn’t the only thing darkening a rainy day.


Even with the healthcare invective and spite Mr. Trump spewed on his campaign, and continues to spew as President of the United States of America, I still felt personally assured. I can’t say it’s because I live in Writer Tigard, I can’t say it’s not, so why not go with nature and nurture?


Even with stage four cancer I never felt abandoned. Based on life choices I’d made, a wife and kids extraordinaire as it turned out, I was good. If I lived through cancer or not, I’d left the sort of imprint on earth that historians a millennia out will recognize if they dig deep enough.


writer tigard

Just. Another. Guy. One who kept oaths and promises to family and country if that still means anything. If Mr. Obama did anything that will last, he made it normal to talk about faith, family, and country without sounding like you need to kill someone to prove your point.


Isn’t that what we hope in new people we meet, that they are one of us? In 2018 America, ‘one of us’ means a broad palette of behavior and beliefs we’ve grown used to, not threatened by. That Mr. Trump won his presidential race based on a narrow spectrum of voters shouldn’t soil where you call home, or your feelings about neighbors.


Come to Portland and you might find yourself in the suburbs. To understand why, join Writer Tigard.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.