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organic food

Just add a recipe to this box of slow food. Image via DG camera.


Where’s the organic food? All I see are fruit and veggies.

Overheard in a grocery store produce aisle:

“Let’s head to the deli and get something to eat, this is just ingredients.”

Ingredients for healthy food?

The top image is a box from Organics To You.

They promise “Farm Fresh Home Delivery.”

Not Meals on Wheels, but the same idea with cooking added.

What caught my eye in this crop are the carrots. Orange, yellow, and purple carrots?

Heirloom tomatoes have a friend in funky looking vegetables, and who doesn’t like different?

Different is what food producers focus on, instead of the same ol’ same ol’.

Who is the most famous farmer difference maker? Yes, that guy.

Even if you don’t jump on the organic farm wagon, or grow a garden, you can still learn from the process.

With New Year’s resolutions on the horizon and getting closer, why not start something new?

For instance:

Keep track of meals you make vs meals you warm up.

Track food out vs food in.

Boomers might have time to cook, might not, but chances are good we all have excuses either way.

Young people wolf down their grub on the way to someplace important and live to tell about it.

Older people have important places to go also, but one of those places ought to be a favorite grocery store.

In stores like New Season, Safeway, Albertson’s, or a farmer’s market, look at the age group hovering around the organic food bins.

I’ve noticed boomers pawing through the produce and come away happy.

Better nutrition on the front end makes for better results on every other end. Organic food plays a part.

If it makes a difference, if you’re tired of hearing people say you complain too much, start pawing through the produce, too.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.