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the way we were

A view of Hubbell. Image via

“In a way, he was like the country he lived in. Things came too easily to him.”

In more than one way, Hubbell was like the soft handed little liberals who’ve always had it too easy, wouldn’t you say?

They always know what’s best for everyone else while they carry on their dark secrets.

Well, the Trump Presidency is the wake up call for these bi-coastal pansies.

His laser bright light will chase anyone who isn’t ready to make America great again back under their rock.

The working middle-class finally gave the over-educated, food-obsessed, bookends to the real America, the slap they’ve been begging for.

Have you heard this portrayal before?

It goes against the way we were.

Say what you want about women and evangelicals, we need powerful men who know how to put us in our place.

All the stuff about women’s health and climate change is just theory, son. It’s no more fact than tectonic plates and gravity.

No one understands how all these things work, and if some one tries to prove otherwise, they’re lying.

I mean, have you ever seen a lumen? I didn’t think so. Neither have I, but some doctor-coated, goggle-glassed, lab rat still tries to convince us.

Most of the time they bring up light as in solar power. Give me a break.

What’s the first thing you do after laying in the sun all day? Do you feel energized, or is it the Frankenstein walk of pain?

The point is, you don’t feel electrified from the sun, just fried.

The Trump Presidency promises many things.

Too many people saw the way we were and wanted changes.

And they expect him to fulfill those promises.

Now, if somehow solar power does manage to work, and don’t for a minute think it will, but if it does, you can forget about that wall thing.

Hell, with solar power just put up a big old electric fence.

You saw Jurassic Park? Make a fence like that and give ‘er the juice. No one’s crossing that if a dinosaur couldn’t.

What’s happening now is what America needs. We need a strong military for our personal protection. If you’re watching those squatters in North Dakota, you know what I’m talking ’bout.

Let things start there and they’ll get away with it in your backyard. No different than those Occupy folks, and you know it.

The best part is staffing for the Trump Administration.

We lucky there won’t be more lawyer Presidents. Ol’ Mitch Mac was right, all they do is talk down to you.

In public and private they think they’re better than us. What did they call us, a basket full of deployables?

That just angers me more than anything. We make America great by being deployable. And we like it.

How else can we see the world, and it’s a scary world, believe me. I been deployed to every hot spot since the heat came on.

I’d a been on that French beach and pushed my way to the front of the boat to invade Tokyo after we finished off the Huns.

Korea didn’t look so bad, and don’t ask me about Vietnam. That was a cake walk waiting to happen if we’d a had the right soldiers instead of those college draft dodgers on patrol.

If it weren’t for my sinus infections I’d have been in the sand box the last ten years with a few breaks on the Pakistan border to cool my jets.

The next four years will be the greatest years in American history. Now we can finally get down to business, you can believe that.

Anyone President Trump calls on to serve America is right by me, and it ought to be right by everyone.

If this sounds like people you know, get to know them better.

They are the future, the way we’ll be after the way we were.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.


  1. Mark Mullins says

    I say all bow to the Boy King, His power is great, his neediness even greater.

    He will make many glorious victory laps, in arenas more than half full of gloating people seeking redemption and retribution.

    Beware, those who do not support the Emperor.

    • David Gillaspie says

      The empowerment stuff is good when it applies to people thankful to catch a break. Not so good when powerful people get more.

      Redemption and retribution are good calls, especially when they discover the reach of The Man touches places they weren’t expecting.

      Then watch out, they’ll turn on who? Probably Obama. He’s always ready for that.

  2. Mark Mullins says

    Well said, oh sage one. Obamablama (or Obama blame a)