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american practice

An American practice is like a medical practice: sometimes we get it wrong. Sometimes we get it right and it’s still wrong.

If you’re old enough to vote, do it. Vote like it matters and encourage others to do the same.

Voting is part of an American practice, like minding our own business and staying off the neighbor’s yard.

Following an American practice isn’t easy, it just seemed easier when we didn’t know as much as we know now.

Here’s the deal:

Boomers grew up playing Little League baseball and reading comic books.

They went to church with moms and dads and joined the Boy Scouts.

They graduated from high school, went to college, married a nice girl, and settled in with a good job and kids.

Now it’s the kids’ turn.

Millennials Vote With Their American Practice

Is it a surprise that the biggest generation in American history created an even bigger generation? That’s who millennials are.

Now it’s their turn to find their way forward, and if they vote, their way will be the American way.

With their vote, millennials will start to build their version of America. First, the clean up. They won’t find a vote for cleaning up on the ballot, it’s included in between the lines. They will find candidates who understand global warming better than their opponents; candidates who understand improving America’s infrastructure better than their opponents.

If the biggest voting block in the country gets behind science and medicine and technology, then there’s hope.

During this era of coronavirus pandemic, a candidate who doubts science is a poor choice. Why? Because science often answers questions, the sort of questions people already have answers for because they heard something on the radio, or their crazy uncle, or Mr. Trump.

Millennials are better than that. Baby boomers used to be better than that, but we got old and afraid, buying guns and living in bubbles. At least that’s a common perception. The reality is different, which is how Mr. Trump won his last election.

Why Voting Is A Good American Practice

If we want younger generations to grow up smart enough to know better, then vote on education and school measures today.

Yes, I understand it was different in the olden days, how older people went to school in one room school houses and walked there uphill, both ways. We’ve seen season after season of Little House On The Prairie and The Waltons so many times that our memories are worn.

If voting against education is your deal, and voting for a larger police force means more, try and make this connection: Poorly educated people do more stupid things that need more policing. Why not get them kids learned up enough to keep out of jail?

But Dave, won’t all of these do-gooder ideas will raise taxes?

Good question. The right answer is, “Follow the money,” if you have tax doubts, if you have concerns about wild liberal spending sprees.

Do you know where your tax money is being spend currently? If not, check a copy of your last property tax statement. It breaks it down dollar by dollar.

Now, identify candidates who share your concerns about where tax money is spent. That’s the most American of the American Practice:

Taxation with representation. It’s not a hoax, or fake news. If all of this feels too foreign, then you may need a role model to help understand.

This is one such role model.

Vote Joe Biden for cleaning up messes.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.