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blog traffic

Blog traffic map via google analytics.

The big difference between the top map and every other map of the world is that this one tracks where the hits, the readers, the bots, showing up on boomerpdx originate.

It’s a blog traffic map, which isn’t very writerly since geography isn’t about plot, story structure, or how to write an essay.

This map, like most, is a visual aid for making mental notes, like ‘Who knew Greenland was as big as America?’ And, ‘Why isn’t it as blue as the other bot nations?’

Who cares? Every writer cares about readers. That’s how we all started out, as readers. A few want to share a better reading experience, which is one of the writers’ dreams.

World domination is probably a poor combination of words during a pandemic dominating the world. Like we need more domination.

Words sneak into our immune systems and change our DNA. The biggest sneak in writer history was Shakespeare.

Keep your eyes on the Riverside Shakespeare long enough and you’ll start hearing current references. It’s like hearing a song covered by a popular singer, then hearing the original.

Click on the highlighted text for a comparison:

Pat Boone singing Tutti Frutti in a creepy Canadian soda shop, then Little Richard?

One is the last breath of Bing Crosby’s strangle hold on the kids before Frank; the other is Little Richard.

Elvis and Pat Boone were born a year apart, Little Richard was earlier than them, but still ahead of his time. He shined a light for Buddy Holly, The Rolling Stones, to name early influences.

The message to the boomerpdx world map is find a way to a better day right where you are with what you’ve got to work with. Start by asking, “How did I get here?”

Seriously, how did you arrive?

BoomerPdx Blog Traffic State To State

blog traffic

I see the world map in awe of the places that have machines clicking blogs like this one. Yet, the biggest empty clicker comes from Virginia. It’d a blog traffic question and answer all over blog world.

Along with fixes and patches and code and contacts and, no. I can ignore that sort of blog traffic the same way I don’t filter out other bot traffic. Why?

I believe in limited comfort and automation since hearing this hit song from 1969:

In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find

In the year 3535
Ain’t gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today

In the year 4545
You ain’t gonna need your teeth, won’t need your eyes
You won’t find a thing to chew
Nobody’s gonna look at you

In the year 5555
Your arms hangin’ limp at your sides
Your legs got nothin’ to do
Some machine’s doin’ that for you

Sounds a little bleak for the game-changer generation.

In the year 6565
You won’t need no husband, won’t need no wife
You’ll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube

Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll will never die, but things go dormant. I prefer to think blog traffic for boomerpdx comes from positive, forward thinking, types since I’m not scraping the drain pipes of society and pulling out a foot of concentrated black goo with a small water passage groove in the top from under my wife’s sink.

(A reader once asked if everything is blog-able, like a challenge.)

The states showing up that surprise me: Montana, Wyoming, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Louisiana.

I don’t analyze education and health issues, but I do my part with what I’ve got.

If I get a reader to help non-readers in Mongolia, or non-readers in Arkansas, Mississippi, and South Carolina ask for help, then it’s a win for everyone.

Home State Famous? Bulldog, Please

blog traffic

There’s an old writer’s story about a guy, a smart guy, who wrote about his home town with such venom that he was shunned.

It hurt his feelings, so he wrote about something else in his next book and the town was angry they weren’t included.

They read the first book and read the second. Hell, I bought the first book, the second book, a book of collected works, and I didn’t ‘t make it through any of them.

That’s how it is, and I know how it is. That you’ve made it this far is the writer’s miracle we all hope for.

This is a blog of heart, hope, and humor, not marketing and data harvesting and pop-ups. It’s sharing the small slivers of wonder I pluck each day.

Those are the breadcrumbs I’m leaving on the path toward tomorrow, and beyond. Don’t worry about the birds getting them.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.