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Content creation are not my two favorite words.

Content Creator sounds like a title bestowed by the Gods of the Internet.

But if your goal is creating content for an online audience, where do you start?

Ask a blogger with a track record of post production if you know one.

If you don’t know an award winning blogger with stellar statistics, an analytical goldmine, I’ll help you out here instead.

To begin with, BoomerPDX runs on the WordPress platform, Genesis framework, and the discontinued News theme from StudioPress.

I put this blog together after a good run on a free WordPress site,

In other words, I keep at it, renting space on bluehost.

Along the way I’ve learned a few things, top most being that content creation is a habit.

A positive habit.

It’s not like hitting meth on a TriMet bus so everyone else can enjoy the dubious effect.

Still, it’s a habit to cultivate; content creation not the meth.

Like any habit, it takes time, takes up time, which isn’t something everyone enjoys.

“How come you’re always late?”

“David the master blogger has to finish his daily masterpiece for his demanding audience.”

“How many subscribers does he have?”

“Me, and I am demanding. I don’t want to read his second rate stuff.”

“How can you tell the difference?”

The Content Creator Speaks


That’s me, the content creator, and what I want you to know about my work is this:

I write competently enough to find a story, a blog post, anywhere I look.

Not to say it’s easy, but with the proper training it can look easy.

As they say, “Easy reading is damn hard writing.”


Everyday I draw on my American History degree, writing classes, work experience, family history, and my intrigue with advancing technology.

Which is to say I go light on aggregation, regurgitation, and slop topics in general.

My blog means my way, and I mean to uphold the standards I aspire to.

I have writing composition help from Yoast, a Search Engine Optimization plugin. SEO.

Enough About Me

Blogger background is one thing, content creation is a whole ‘nother thing.

Where are the stories?

Start big. Start with the world.

Try not to get carried away with the delivery.

Then look at the smaller world surrounding you.

In between the Macro and Micro view is a sweet spot for the dedicated blogger.

You’ll know you found it when one post links to another and you discover more information to support what you’ve already used.

Then your readers start leaving comments that light another fire under the content creation stovetop.

After that you may bring some understanding that seems to fall through the gaps of logic, science, and human mental acuity:

Life is in danger on an overheating planet.

We can’t have nice things living in an oven with oceans at hot tub temperatures.

That’s the problem.

What’s the solution?

I predict that a blogger will reach an audience willing to change earth endangering behavior.

It could be me.

I reached over seven thousand readers in one big blog day.

The topic?

So it could be you.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.