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coronavirus test

Prince w/ Gov of Kentucky

A coronavirus test, according to medical experts, will be the biggest aid in breaking the quarantine.

It’s a pass/fail test, like a college class where a real grade hurts GPA.

What’s the big problem with testing? Availability is the biggie. #2 is the people.

Every warm body with a neighbor, family member, friend, or favorite celebrity, hooked up in a hospital room agree on the severity of covid-19.

Most folks who’ve read about a loved ones passing, and how the family had to say goodbye on a screen, agree on the mortality of the coronavirus.

Their’s are the voices urging caution and social distance, along with grief.

Then there are other voices.

Coronavirus Test Application

TV news shows people driving up to someone in personal protective equipment, rolling down their window, and getting swabbed in the nose and mouth.

Their material goes to a lab and they get results one way or the other. The main thing is they know if they’ve got it, or not.

What they choose to do with the new information depends on their attitude, which is often guided by where they learn about current events.

Fox News grooms its viewers with a combination of attractive women and angry men. The results suggest the angry man gets the babe.

A positive coronavirus test might be the fuse that ignites anger.

Do Angry Men REALLY Get The Babe?

Twitter asked a question today:

“Why do manly men identify with Mr. Trump, who seems to be the opposite of them? They carry guns to protests, dress like hunters on the second week of deer camp, and look like they could do a few pushups.”

In this case ‘twitter’ is a post from a guy; and someone answered. I wish I took a screenshot.

“His fans see in him what they want to see in themselves, except they seem blind to the age difference. Why would a forty year old man want to be seventy-three no matter the advantages. What they see in President Trump is his fear of change combined with a fear of death. Both are closer than either want to admit.”

What I see from an age closer to Mr. Trump’s than forty, is a man willing to do and say what he knows will engage certain people. That’s his professional experience, first with hotels and casinos, then television, and now as national leader.

The fellas out in camo and weaponry are birds of the same feather; guys who ‘man up’ with their fellow badasses to take on the oppressive government dictates of . . . of . . . of . . . whoever their favorite talking head points to.

Guys get angry and need release; Mr. Trump gives them release. He gave them release on television, too, if not his hotels. His man-release fans wouldn’t make it past the front desk in their hunt and shoot rig, even if they could afford the rates.

These angry guys don’t get the babe. If they had a babe at home, that’s where they’d be. But they don’t.

I get the anger, just not how Mr. Trump gets a pass.

Coronavirus Test Target

One of the big writer rules is avoiding stereotypes. Don’t use a phrase that’s already overused.

But, guys and their partners gathering to protest stay-at-home rules during a social distancing period calls for a stereotype.

The guys look angry with intentions of being heard, being seen, being felt. They are all Special-Ops, Delta Force, Green Beret, Seals, or the cream of the crop, Marine Operators. Grim expressions and barky voices.

At the very least they’ve all seen the RAMBO series.

Look, I support things American in America. If I can avoid getting, or giving, a life-threatening virus, I will. Nothing drags the American way of life down more than a bunch of sickies, and I know. I felt the American way of life take a slide while I got chemo’d and radiated for freaking HPV 16 neck cancer.

Man, was I ever angry.

Then I got over it.

Theme Song Release For Angry Man

No, it’s not the Stones playing ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want.’

This is Jerry Jeff Walker’s ‘Trashy Women‘ song. It’s fitting and funny.

Well, I was raised in a sophisticated kind of style.
Yeah, my taste in music and women drove my folks half wild.
Mom and Dad had a plan for me,
It was debutantes and celebraties,
But I like my music hot and like my women wild.

Yeah, an’ I like my women just a little on the trashy side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
Too much lipstick an’ er too much rouge,
Gets me excited, leaves me feeling confused.
An’ I like my women just a little on the trashy side.

You should’ve seen the looks on the faces of my Dad and Mom,
When I showed up at the door with a date for the senior prom.
They said: “Well, pardon us, son, she ain’t no kid.
That’s a cocktail waitress in a Dolly Parton wig.”
I said: “I know it, dad. Ain’t she cool, That’s the kind I dig.”

I like ’em sweet, I like ’em with a heart of gold.
Yeah an’ I like ’em brassy, I like ’em brazen and bold.
Well, they say that opposites attract, well, I don’t agree
I want a woman just as tacky as me.
Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side.

Last Test

Until a more definite system is approved, take this three part coronavirus test:

Can you stay home as much as you can?

Can you social distance outside?

Can you wear a mask in a store?

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.