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Dating Future: Medical Steps To Avoid Sex Cancer Without An Aversion


dating future



The dating future may end up sounding like a job interview, or filling out a security clearance form.


Vice came out with a post that ought to make it a necessity.


Maybe is supposed to be funny, and I see the humor, but really? It’s not that funny, and I like funny, even been called a funny guy which I think was a compliment.


Sex cancer is awkward to talk about. Cancer alone, without any locations mentioned, is hard enough.


Normal people need to be aware of what awaits them if they don’t get straight with their communication.


It could be the end of future dating. How did past dating work?


Ideally you meet someone you can tolerate and it grows from there. Maybe it’s school, a bookstore, a grocery story. Someone in the neighborhood, a friend of a friend, your friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend.


It could be anyone when the moment is ripe, the moon is set, and the table is cleared.


You like the same bands, the same movies, the same books. You both like expanding your food choices, but not based on the Food Channel. Thai food, Vietnamese food, you both want to give world food a taste.


There’s the first date, then the second, and all of the friends on both sides start talking about the third date. But neither of you listen. You’re both looking for more than hot and heavy and moving on.


What sort of conversations draw two people closer together over a period of time?


One man said he used to talk about ex-girlfriends to women he was attracted to whether he had an ex-girlfriend of recent vintage or not.


He said he got a lot of sympathy, and more, when he played his I Got Dumped card.


But let’s skip the sneaky part this time.


Two people on the verge of new excitement, maybe more exciting than the last time they felt this way, need to talk about their past if they plan on a future together.


Start by talking about your past, as in how many girlfriends you had before now. Don’t add fake numbers to the discussion, just be honest. Add that you feel lucky to have met such good people, and how dating future looks good.


With any luck she’ll fill in the blanks. It’s doubtful you’ll get into the medical side and talk about check ups and pap smears, but believe me, it’s important.


If you’re both convinced you’re starting with a clean slate, then relax. Your dating future is set for at least a month.


Neither of you has the gift that keeps giving, the sex cancer p16 virus, or killer exes who promise to murder the next person you date.


Yes, it’s awkward, it’s uncomfortable, and one of you may balk at the disclosures you hear. If you don’t hear what you need to hear, call it a day.


In relationships things don’t get easier over time if you don’t settle things early. No one wants an unanswered question hanging over their head.


Be honest, be willing, and behave until you see the green light, then ask if that’s what you see, then ask again. Better to be certain and annoying than uncertain and smooth.


Don’t keep secrets when you start new secrets. Error on the side of caution for the best outcome of dating future.


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.