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educational dysfunction

Educational dysfunction happens to everyone when they get to a point in a project that needs extra help.

Frank Thomas is an Auburn University man, something left out in commercials he appears in. The Big Hurt knows the education drill.

Doug Flutie is a Boston College man who gets it, too.

Whether books, YouTube videos, or calling in expert advice, every barrier presents a learning moment to embrace.

Unless you, like I too often do, plow through on trial and error.

But there are limits. Serious limits. Dangerous limits.

If the choices include finding help, or going on a senseless path that wastes time and resources, take my advice and find help.

If you have a partner in this life, read that last bit to them to show educational dysfunction has limits, too.

If my wife reads this I hope she has one takeaway: “He does listen.”

So, let’s talk about educational dysfunction, the other E D.

The events of Jan. 6 showed the need for a better informed public. If you watched the events at the U.S. Capitol on television, you saw what I saw: A large group attacking the Capitol.

Before you decide to rampage, consider the motivation. If you feel egged on by others, take a break and reconsider.

Do they have your best interests in mind when they give inciting speeches? Do they follow through on the promise to march with you?

Will they suffer the same consequences as you in the end?

If you plan is to journey to your state’s capitol with the intent of armed confrontation, PLEASE DON’T.

If it goes badly, and it will, the home reception might be chilly.

Do you really want to answer the question of, “What the hell is wrong with you,” from spouses and children?

Be a role model for the rising generations on how to approach change. Even if you’re a wife beating bully, show you can change.

Your family will love you for showing you care enough not to trash the family name they will carry forward.

From most accounts, no one wants to go to jail on purpose.

Curtail Educational Dysfunction With, Wait For It, Education

Learn your role in American democracy from those who break it down based on facts and documentation.

Do the work. Read.

If you feel picked on and put upon, do the work and read.

Part of a participatory form of government is doing the work. You can do it.

No excuse is good enough in court if you step outside the bounds of legal remedies for perceived injustice.

Take the long view and do the right thing. You’re smart enough for that.

Do it. Leave comments on how it goes.


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.