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What’s the first question? Does yoga really slow time down?

Let me start with a strong ‘Hell yeah yoga slows the clock.’

But really? Does it slow time down?

Imagine yourself in a strange situation, one with a calming reputation, and to no one’s surprise all you feel is stress trying to fit in.

All you really want is for it to end.

Ten minutes into an hour long yoga class and I was ready to go. It felt like two hours.

During my time in competitive sports I did my best work on a wrestling mat. My yoga mat brings up a feeling, especially when it’s time for back yoga.

Those days warped time, too. Every time count was ten seconds no matter the real time. The idea was compete like a maniac, like there were only ten seconds left in the match and I was behind, which isn’t much of a stretch.

I could be wrong here, but I feel a little competition in the yoga room. Maybe it’s me, but the yoga students seem proud of their ability to work through the class and look good doing it, like they could go all day.

I’m in the awkward beginner phase, at least that’s what I tell myself. It’s like wrestling practice, I say, and I’ll get better each time. At least I hope I get better.

Again, does yoga affect time? Apparently not for experts, but let me say it’s an exercise in futility that goes on and on and on like the moment it takes to pin an opponent. Or get pinned.

My goal is approaching the yoga hour with reverence, like the mat is a prayer rug where I call on the spirits to unwind my too tight tightness. Each minute passing reveals more tightness I didn’t register. My knee, shoulder, neck, hamstring, feet, the works.

Good for body and mind? A case of mind over matter? I’m facing a new opponent that turns out to be an old opponent.


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About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.