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leadership tools

The leadership tools of the past have changed from being authentic.

Authenticity has taken a back seat, but who’s driving the leadership car?

The driver is decided by polls, likes, and shares. It’s all good until the big guy steps outside the lines.

News of twitter adding a fact check to Mr. Trump’s posts hit hard. Twitter is one of his big leadership tools.

The backlash is just beginning. Like men before him who had the idea of unlimited power, Mr. Trump is mulling over the idea of pulling the plug on some social media platforms.

Rulers striving to consolidate their power to better their position have discovered a common problem. In spite of what they believe to be true, there is always a limit.

Who’s Your Leadership Tools Daddy

The backlash from twitter on Mr. Trump’s claim that his free speech is being stifled is brutal.

First there’s the legal interpretation of free speech, how it applies to a president, and finally dipping into the lifestyle of the guy in office.

It’s as if Mr. Trump’s outrage created open season on him. Taking a golf weekend over Memorial Day might have been bad optics.

People fat shamed, body shamed, moob shamed, face shamed, hair shamed.

The shaming extended to shoe lifts, a girdle, and his posture. And it’s wrong. It’s wrong to drive down a seventy three year old man based on appearance. Especially when we know nothing about the shamers.

The notion of going high when attacked by lowlifes is harder when there’s no sign of a bottom from the attacker.

When a man on the national stage denigrates the family of a fallen soldier, criticizes a former POW, and berates a Marine vet serving in the House of Representatives, what sort of return is appropriate?

Because of the way Mr. Trump has bullied and belittled others, we have a segment of people taking open season on his appearance. Calling women ‘horse faced’ or ‘fat cow’ or ‘nasty people’ is too much to ignore. Those are not the words to use for leadership tools.

Where are the husband’s of the women he disparages? Married guys have a duty to stand up for their wives, even if their wife is capable of defending themselves.

How many dudes are waiting for the time some jackass talks shit about their wife, just so they go off like they dream of going off after a lifetime of turning the other cheek.

So what warrants a return, which offensive act deserves a comeback. In the old days of hard-ass baseball, if one player hit a homer, the next player gets hit by a pitched ball. It was the standard of the times.

What if one man starts talking about another man’s dead wife?

“I’m asking you to intervene in this instance because the President of the United States has taken something that does not belong him — the memory of my dead wife and perverted it for perceived political gain,” Klausutis wrote in a letter first published by the New York Times.

Lori Klausitis was 28 when she collapsed in Scarborough’s Fort Walton Beach, Fla., office due to an abnormal heart rhythm, according to the official autopsy. She hit her head on her desk when she collapsed.

One man asked the twitter gods to make Mr. Trump stop talking about his dead wife.

“These conspiracy theorists, including most recently the President of the United States, continue to spread their bile and misinformation on your platform disparaging the memory of my wife and our marriage.”

A spokesperson for Twitter told the Daily News the platform is “deeply sorry about the pain these statements, and the attention they are drawing, are causing the family.”

Twitter thoughts and prayers, and a new fact check feature.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.