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If you think the world is mad about you, you’re probably right.

But what is it about you that gets people worked up?

Is it your car? Your hair? Your shoes? Your beard?

No, nope, huh uh. It’s your sense of humor.

Funny is money when you spend time with someone you like.

You laugh, they laugh, everybody laughs.

But are you funny, or just weird?

Remembering Not Funny


There was a time when young boomer chafed against authority.

They didn’t like the VA man calling them, “Son.”

Didn’t like the draft notice, the draft board, didn’t like the old men leading them to war.

Young baby boomer lived with the legacy of loss.

So many years later an old baby boomer decides they know what’s best for everyone.

One in particular didn’t appreciate authority when he was draft age.

Like former hard-guy Vice President Dick Cheney, some people have better things to do than serve their country in uniform during a war.

The chant turned from, “Hell No I Won’t Go,” to,

“Do What You’re Told.”

Anti-Authoritarian to Authoritarian is no laughing matter for a funny man, especially if they’re mad about you.

Funny, or just weird? Remember, funny is a chick magnet.

Did the funny man use his sense of humor to attract women?

He looked for the best, the top, the once in a lifetime because that’s who and what he’s all about.

Maybe not so funny?

Real Funny Men


Remember the comedy show on Jan. 6?

Me neither.

Recap: The Comedian In Chief lit the fuse on a string of firecrackers and threw them all into the Capitol.

Are you laughing yet?

This man was all laughs.

Then he wasn’t.

Who believes he was having the time of his life on Jan.6, following orders, and planning to use his new notoriety with the ladies?

Of course he was, although a jail term in his future postpones such plans.

How long before his cellmate tapes the tongue-out picture on their wall?

Why You Don’t Want People Mad About You

Can you imagine having to plan when to leave your house?

When getting a cup of coffee is portrayed an an event, an outing?

When everything you wear sets a trend in motion?

Who wants it less, Prince Harry, or Ben Affleck?

At least Ben makes a run at being funny.

Either way, if you’re not sure of yourself, maybe keep quiet.

If that’s not possible, write an expose memoir about your entire family?

However, there is another path.

Just keep quiet.

You’ve got more talent in your little toe than most people have in their entire brain?


You can bench press California and squat Alaska?

No one needs to hear about that.

Instead, go about your business. Live your life, but do it with a gentle nature and kind outlook.

That’s right, be kinder and gentler.

Who needs to be mad about you the most?

You need to be mad about you.

After that everything else falls into place.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.