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passed over

Getting passed over on the job is a sign, but for what?

A new job?

Where else does it happen with sad results?

Any time it happens to you, and it’s happened whether you admit it or not.

Try on not default to bitterness and blame right away.

The worst time it happens is when someone tells you you’ve been passed over and you didn’t know.

Instead of shock and disappointment, consider why you didn’t know.

You weren’t up for a promotion, didn’t ask for a raise, but someone new got hired and now your boss says they are your new supervisor.

Yes, you’re been passed over.

After years of positive reviews and cost of living allowances, you’re been moving the pile and now you’re on the pile.

What’s the new supervisor have going for them?

The Consultant Life

If your company is growing faster than expected and in the process of scaling up service due to increased demand, it needs new people.

But, you’re an old hand, used to doing things the way you did when you started.

Now what?

Adapt, adjust, and carry on.

Do your work while your old boss chases management goals.

Do your work while your new supervisor works on their skills because they were hired based on their interview.

Department heads out of touch with the work that needs doing hire similar people.

Department Head: We’re in a mess today because of all of the dead wood on staff that needs trimming.

Now you’re dead wood. And you’re surprised.

You weren’t dead wood yesterday, last week, or last year.

So you schedule a meeting with the old boss for clarification.

Boss: Our new hire is bringing new energy to planning meetings.

You: That’s good to know. It balances what they do in the field.

Boss: We’re getting good reports about them.

You: If our goal is lifting the brand and creating a diverse profile, they need help.

Boss: We’re counting on you to train them.

You: I’m training my supervisor. That sounds unusual.

Boss: No one knows more about operations than you, so you’re a natural fit.

You: Glad to help.

This is consultant work on the cheap.

Instead of hiring a temp to come in and review the business plan, the company hires someone with a sketchy track record and dubious results.

They can’t handle the work load, the equipment, or the materials.

But, they shine in planning meetings.

You’re been passed over for an idiot who injures themselves and gives poor advice, who functions best sitting in a chair.

But it’s not a desk job.

Another Look At Passed Over

In the scheme of things, people who’ve been hurt hurt others with little or no compunction.

These hurt people live in different worlds than you.

They’ve been used and abused and shrug it off as part of the game.

And they’re not wrong. But, you don’t have to agree with them, follow them, or want to be them.

Their daddy left early, mom’s a tramp, and they cope by putting on the freshest, brightest, face they can find.

Their pile or woe grows with a bad first marriage, a kid that despises them, and a new husband with personal conflicts with everything and everyone on earth.

The hurt person gets hurt more because they don’t know the difference between love and caring, and egotistical selfishness.

And they pass it along.


When this happens to normal people they try to work things out for the best outcome.

Problems arise when Tom Paul working the assembly line in the factory turns from working it out to victim.

Are they a victim? Their boss doesn’t think so. Neither does the new supervisor.

But Tom Paul found new shows on television that tell him different.

He’s being canceled by a newly woke culture.

Tom Paul isn’t sure what any of it means, but the seed is planted.

He needs to fight for his way of life, his AR15, his Glock collection, because the evil forces at work to break his balls are picking up big hammers and coming for him.

Imagine the differences in ‘way of life’ for an under-educated blue collar worker and the primped up TV guy with pursed lips stuck on his resting bitch face.

Angry TV man is raking it in, living high, eating well, dressing the part of authority figure.

Blue collar man is eating it up like they’ve been starved for identity their entire lives.

And they start meeting others just like them.

They make a shopping run to the nearest army surplus store and uniform up for special training in a local forest where they meet still more dissatisfied men ready to wreak havoc.

From there they gather to witness another high living white man tell them they will lose everything if the don’t “fight like hell to take back their country.”

From Passed Over To Prison

I’ve never been arrested for a crime spree, but I’ve argued traffic tickets in court.

And lost every time, but credit for trying, right?

I try and wrap my mind around what it takes for guys like those on Jan. 6 who believed their president had their best interests in mind when he’s shown otherwise.

Instead of responding as they might to their ‘woke enemies’ with a customary “fuck off fat boy,” they bought in.

They bought into breaking and entering, threatening, and the notion that their Big Guy would come to their rescue at the last moment.

Except their guy, like so many tough talking soft men of a similar ilk, had better things to do when the courtroom gavel dropped and their next appointment was at the jailhouse door.

NOW you’ve been passed over, but instead of corporate greed to blame, or personal differences, you passed over yourself.

Now your new boss is the key man, the guy who lets you in and out of your cell for food and exercise.

Luckily, all of your forest meetings have rounded you into shape to handle prison food and prison attraction.

For some or your new friends, you are the new delicacy on the menu.

Is that the sort of attention you want?

Why not skip this part and focus on being a better husband to your wife, a better father to your son, a better friend.

If you’ve heard this before, and it sounded like the right plan then, how did it work out for you?

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.