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“The right time is when the time is right.”

It’s that simple. And it goes by in a blink.

After that the timing is all wrong.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a better feel for the clock?

Besides, how many times has an outcome been better because of ‘bad timing?’

Fans of meet cute Romantic Comedy say every time.

Action fan says always.

In real life, ‘Missed it by that much’ has actual consequences that can include regret, hurt feelings, and loss.

Who doesn’t have a thoughtful relationship memory, a ‘what if’ flash of a different path?

I once dated a woman who didn’t see what we saw in each other. Neither did I, so we got married.

Thirty-six years later it’s still a big mystery. Was it the right time?

So far, so good.

A ‘Timing’ Joke

Two guys standing on a busy Tigard sidewalk.

– You know who’s the funniest guy in this town? Who?

– Who is the funniest guy in town.

– I’m surprised you have to ask, but since you did, it’s me.

– You’re the funniest guy in town?

– Right here. You want to know why? Ask me why I’m the funniest guy in town. G’ head.

– Why are you the funniest . . .


Quick Right Time Recovery Buy In

Have you ever been on a carousel? The kind with the Brass Ring?

If there’s a brass ring and you’re on the giraffe, why not grab it?

That ring may not be brass, but snag it anyway for the buy in.

Stay in the game. You may get a second chance.

A quick recovery after the right time passes does one thing, it gives a second chance.

I believe that’s what happens when married couples divorce and get married again.

Is it the right time, or bad judgement, when they re-divorce?

The point is knowing the difference between the right time for you and the right time for everyone else.

By the way, if you are married, this is already your second chance in case no one told you.

Young People Living Their Lives

 I met a girl who sang the blues — And I asked her for some happy news — She just smiled and turned away,

That was 1971. I was fifteen.

After a few trips around the sun you get a chance to see lots of girls singing the blues.

Janis Joplin wasn’t all about the happy news. Whitney Houston still hurts. It all drives home a fatalistic sense of ‘this is too good to last.’

I found it in the Gerding Theater in downtown Portland.

You’ve been to plays or shows or seen TV shows with audience participation and think to yourself, ‘I’m glad that’s not me.’

I was the audience part of audience participation that night, Billie Holiday’s last show.

She sat on my lap, arms draped around my neck, and sang to the audience behind me which was everyone since I was front row center.

I held her steady, my candle in the wind.


If you’ve got a flame to warm the world with, why not share it.

Do it with music, do it with colors, do it with words.

Start by focusing on one expression. After all, Michelangelo isn’t walking through that door any time soon.

The Rodin Museum played a video of him chiseling marble, but the story held that he was more of a clay guy for bronze casting. So pick one.

If you’ve got a song to sing, take a deep breath and let it fly.

Even if you don’t have a song to sing, take a deep breath and let it fly.

Sing it like no one’s listening.

Sing it at the right time; you’ll know when the time is right.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.