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small jobs

A Navy admiral told a group of graduates the key to success begins with completing small jobs.

What he told Texas grads was, “Make your bed.”

Not an impossible task, not since your mom told you to make your bed. Now an admiral. So mom was right on target.

I believe Admiral McRaven and follow his lead, otherwise my bed would be half made since my wife makes her side perfectly every morning. No one wants to be the sixty five year old slacker who can’t make even half a bed.

To show the sort of initiative for others to learn from and follow, I also took down my Christmas light on the six month deadline. Some will say that’s late, why bother taking them down if you’re only going to put them up again.

The admiral would disagree. The lights are one of the small jobs that leads to bigger things, like pulling all the lights that I tossed in a bin in a huge jumble and sorting them out in December.

If that does’t say Christmas Spirit, then nothing does. But it’s still no big thing with the lights, just the right thing.

Wearing A Mask Is Another Of The Small Jobs

Who wakes up looking forward to putting on a mask before going out among the people? What people? Grocery store people, shopping people, pretty much anywhere people gather.

It’s a small job to mask up, but not for the man who sees it as being muzzled like a mad dog, or the lady comparing masks to underwear and saying, “I don’t wear either one because things got to breath.”

The man looked like a mad dog, and the lady sounded like she’d need two ventilators if she came down with a bad case of covid.

On the odd chance of respiratory confusion, a cop killed a man by kneeling on his neck, not his crotch. So that anatomy question is clarified.

Small jobs like wearing a mask makes you feel like part of the virus problem? I get that, but it really shows you are part of the solution.

If you’re wearing a mask around a bunch of jack-wads who refuse to cover their nose and pie hole, you have less chance of one of those geniuses infecting you while they explain how a mask violates their rights point by point on their pocket sized copy of the U.S. Constitution.

Do the small jobs today for a big, juicy, reward. It’s Saturday and we’ve earned it. Looks like this:

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.