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transit time

Transit time for container ships?

If you order from Amazon and expect next day, or same day delivery, it’s not fast enough.

The containers carry the world in them, from factory to you.

Unless they get stuck in the Suez Canal, Panama Canal, or Chesapeake Bay.

Expect delays.

Manufactured goods are what we want, and we want them now.

Or later, but now is better.

In the super-fast world of international logistics, these times make the difference.

Unless you decide to air ship.

Then the costs accelerate the consumer pricing.

Transit Time For Euro Travel

transit time

Getting there is one thing.

You’ll be in the air so long you start wondering about things.

Like how the heck does an airplane fly so long?

It’s best to remember you’re not the first one on this particular trail, and you will land safely.

You may not be able to read or understand the language, but that’s part of the fun.

Along with catching trains in huge train stations. I’ve seen a few here, but the Euro stations stand out.

Transit Time

Local trains, fast trains, international trains in the Chunnel.

Getting on the right train at the right time takes practice and cooperation if you’re traveling with someone.

Does it sound like fun? Paris Metro kind of fun, London Underground kind of fun?

If it’s not fun at first, look for this destination in London:

Transit Time

I still laugh every time I think of it.

Even better is the announcement in the train.

Mr. Ed Knows Something About Biology?

Transit time from the old feed bag to the ground for Mr. Ed?

Depending on how big the meal is and what it contains (e.g. hay vs. grain vs. liquid) food may remain in the stomach as little as 15-30 minutes or as long as 12 hours, with 3-4 hours being average. Dubbed the “non-glandular region,” the upper 1/3 or so of the stomach is where 80% of ulcers form since this area does not have protection from acid like the lower, glandular portion does.

The next part of the tract is the small intestine. Approximately 70 feet in length, it is made up of three parts: the duodenum, jejunum, then ileum. Food moves through the entire small intestine in as little as 30-60 minutes but can take longer, up to 8 hours.

Based on veterinary science, horse biscuits are made pretty fast.

How Fast Do Bad Ideas Take To Drop

When you’re an elected official feeding your constituents a load of horse shit, and they scoop it up like pudding, it must feel like the speed of light.

If you’re a senior citizen feeding horse shit to a swooning constituency who love you because you represent what they aspire to be, shame on you.

You show up in a nice suit, perfect hair and make-up, and tell them you’re not the big loser you appear to be and encourage them to break the law, you need to reconsider your life goals.

Being the biggest a-hole among professional a-holes is not a status symbol most want to associate with.

But your true believers believe you when you tell them blatant lies.

And how do they respond?

“The hell with ObamaCare and everything Obama. At least I got my ACA.”

“The liberals are ruining my country with reckless spending and taxes,” says the proud republican.

Except for this:

“Overall, blue states are less dependent on the federal government than red states,” WalletHub Analyst Jill Gonzales told Yahoo Finance. “States with high taxes and GDP have a lower dependency on the federal government, while states with low taxes and GDP depend more on federal aid.”

Cut taxes that pay for schools and libraries and police and firemen and roads and make life harder?

Then give an expensive tax-break to the top money people based on ‘trickle down?”

While promoting an attack on freedoms and personal choice?

Scoop it up like it’s ice cream on a hot humid day on the bayou.

Transit Time To Give Thanks And Send Money

Only one man can solve your problems, and he’ll tell you all about it.

He’ll tell you to ‘fight like hell’ for your country, leaving himself out of the equation.

Who else gets left out of the equation? The insurrectionists on Jan. 6.

They’re in jail, with more to come, while their boy has dinner meetings with unsavory characters.

He gets served anything he asks for, including you.

And you get maggot stew and hardtack?

Call it a fair trade for following the wrong fallen idol.

The group in the picture have heard it all before. They know a sack of shit when they see one.

The one they see most is in the mirror every time they look.

How many of these fine people learned a new language from the former president?

How many now disavow him?

The common theme is, “I don’t agree with him, but if he’s the nominee I’ll vote for him.”

An uncommon theme: “I hope my support for the attack on the Capitol to halt the transition process from one president who lost the election, to the next president who won, doesn’t show up in any investigation.”

Good Americans of all stripes understand the consequences for breaking the law.

Why don’t they hold the former reality TV star to the same standards they comply with?

“Well, you know, it’s like, I haven’t thought of it like that and, so, uh, I’m not a trump-bitch. Don’t write that.”

What’s the transit time for a shit-talker to load up their mark?

Faster than anyone thought. In fact, people, lots of people, are saying he hasn’t done enough.

He’s not finished yet?

We’ll know he’s done when he fingers his own party.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.