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influencer marketing

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When an idea takes off with Influencer Marketing, it flies high.

How many times do you see an ‘Organic’ label at the grocery store. How about ‘Natural?’

It’s all over television commercials, but what’s it mean?

Is ‘organic’ a case of influencer marketing, or just a passing fad? Who’s the influencer?

The question resonates with Baby Boomers, GenX, and Millennials, everyone seeking more than a mouthful of food dye and preservatives.

Hipsters of every stripe jump on the food foundation for a better life, searching for food with nutrition instead of convenience. What is the difference between convenience food and fast food?

Different pesticides and defoliants.

The Washington Post ran a story on organic brands and the corporate ownership behind them. We know them by the name on the package, not the corporation.

Influencer marketing works for Odwalla and Coca-Cola, but not for the same audience. Since Coke owns Odwalla, it works for both.

How far can you trust influencer marketing?

First, know the influencer marketing goal. If a product needs an influencer pushing it, the demand is low.

The demand is low because the product isn’t getting enough exposure, or it’s a bad buy.

The right influencer gains more exposure; the wrong influencer makes a bad buy look better.

Who remembers the Marlboro Man riding off with his smokes? He made a bad buy look romantic.

This month a group of the fellas will get together in Virginia in a show of applied influencer marketing.

It’s looking good with images like this out in front.

influencer marketing

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The next time you’re in the store for food, take a good look at the produce:


People who are exposed to farm chemicals have a much greater rate of Parkinson’s Disease, according to recent studies. Whether they are farm workers who are applying the chemicals or people who happen to live nearby, exposure to chemicals such as paraquat or the fungicide “maneb”  increases the risk of Parkinsonism by 75 percent. There is no cure for this progressive disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, mood, and behavior.

Buying food that’s pesticide-free is good for you and for people in farming communities. 

Anyone with experience around Parkinson’s Disease knows to run as fast and as far from it as possible.

Even a suggestion of PD in food related activities is spooky.

influencer marketing

image via Anna Bleker

Eating moderate amounts of grass-fed meat for only 4 weeks will give you healthier levels of essential fats, according to a 2011 study in the British Journal of Nutrition.

The British research showed that healthy volunteers who ate grass-fed meat increased their blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids and decreased their level of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. These changes are linked with a lower risk of a host of disorders, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, and inflammatory disease.

Interestingly, volunteers who consumed conventional, grain-fed meat ended up with lower levels of omega-3s and higher levels of omega-6s than they had at the beginning of the study, suggesting that eating conventional meat had been detrimental to their health.

If you’ve been reading BoomerPDX recently, then you’ve heard of the best influencer marketing voice for better food.

Joel Salatin is the guru of grass fed farm animals. He knows the land, the animals, the seasons, and finds a way to get them all to work together.

He’s also a speaker at this year’s Farm Aid 30. Let’s choke this down together.

Willie and the guys will do their show live. That’s what it says on the package, and even if it didn’t say, no one expects to see a live show lip sync to recorded music.

We want the real deal, mistakes and all.

influencer marketing

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Willie is a great influencer marketing force because he stands for customs and traditions of a past time.

His songs resonate loss and longing and regret in a way we can all relate to. He’s working to save country music, country living, and family farms.

And show us how to have a good time along the way.

His truth and his honesty about life, and the way he lives it, opens doors for the rest of us.

Like Willie, Joel Salatin has a lot to live up to.

And also like Willie, he does it every day.

His truth in packaging comes through of lifetime of changing people’s minds about their food.

In a post for another day we’ll get into the organic farming for plant based diets along with organic farming for farm animals.

It all relates.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.