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Major complaint: the specific reason for being here, or there, or anywhere.

But why complain?

If you want to be smarter, thinner, richer, happier, what’s stopping you?

First, you need a plan.

Having no plan to start with is more of a general complaint.

Not trying, or avoiding a plan already made, and feeling like you’re doing all you can do?

That’s worth complaining about.

But you blame others for not getting what you want, what you need.

Instead of working toward solutions and outcomes you can live with, you blame.

It might make you feel a little better in the short run, but the long run is the path we’re on.

How To Blame Better


People come in two varieties:

They take responsibility for everything and everyone.


They take responsibility for nothing and no one, including themselves.

In a world of strife and hardship we need responsible people working together.

The same goes for a world of peace and harmony, otherwise things tend to drift toward strife and hardship.

This is key: we share the hard parts of life because it takes a load off.

But talking it out and complaining are not the same as a plan.

Without moving toward a resolution to problems you develop a major complaint and people start avoiding you.

You develop weight related maladies but won’t commit to a weight loss program, a weight loss plan?

Then get used to flat feet, aching knees, shortness of breath, and clothes with extra flex in the waistband. Maybe a stretchy belt.

Will your new major complaint be about the limited styles available in your new large or extra large size?

“Is it me or have designers lost the plot? What has happened to reasonably-priced, elegant clothes that I – size 22 and 70 years of age – could wear? I don’t want low-cut tops or badly cut trousers that accentuate my hips. On the other hand, I don’t want to dress like a frump.”

Blame the clothing designers, restaurant food, walking shoes, or motivation to lose weight?

If you are your own major complaint things are going to get worse before they get better.

A poor self-image is something to overcome.

Getting Help To Improve Self-Image

Would you like to know a secret?

If you eat less you’ll lose weight.

Eating less is not possible? Okay, then eat more of the kind of foods that don’t promote out of control weight gains.

Belly fat can be threatening to your health. This fat is linked with insulin resistance, heart disease, and diabetes and can be dangerous for people of any genetics and age.

What if you don’t have time to lose weight? Or you don’t have the patience?

Vertical sleeve, or “gastric sleeve surgery”, is one of the newest and fastest growing weight loss procedures in the United States. The sleeve procedure removes about 85% of the stomach and prompts weight loss* by reducing appetite and initiating hormonal changes in the gut.  *Results may vary.


Women have reported that after weight loss surgery they get the sort of attention they’ve never had.

And it’s confusing. Looking at yourself has to be weird when you’re half the size you used to be.

While in the downward spiral of chemo and radiation for neck cancer a few years back I had a reverse weight problem.

If I lost too much weight too fast I would be out of the treatment program.

Then what? Instead of dying from chemo and radiation I’d be killed by cancer? That seemed to be the choice.

While I was wasting away hoping to rebound my wife found a picture of my dad.

“You two look so much alike since you lost the weight.”

I checked the date on the picture. It was about a month before he died.

Now I looked like him?

It seemed a funny coincidence, but it was just the sort of spur I needed to get back on track.

My major complaint was a neck lump. Then weight loss followed by slow gains.

What did I choke down? I ate food I didn’t like. If I got a food aversion it would be for food I already didn’t like.

Follow me for more weight loss tips.

What’s your major complaint?

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.