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male identification

Male identification is more than name, rank, and serial number, or social security, birthday, driver’s license number.


“Because men evolve, man. Like, we’re not who you think we are.”

Unfortunately, especially for men, we are who they think we are based on media portrayal.

Even if we’re not, we get painted with the same brush.

What’s worse, even if we don’t fit the emerging profile of badly behaving men, we share the same gender.

Linda Ronstadt had a hit with ‘Poor Poor Pitiful Me’ which wasn’t intended to be a manly cry for help, but here we are.

After being conditioned by four years of watching and hearing a big strong man wave his hands and portray himself as the biggest victim of unfair image and fake news, men have the green light to be whiny bitches?

If that’s how it looks and sounds, maybe it’s because too many men have found ‘their voice.’

Without getting into a wokey definition of basic men, or fundamental men, it’s good to know what you’re dealing with in male identification.

Fundamental Man Or Basic Man

To keep things on track, this is what Fundamental means: a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based..

And the definition of Basic: the essential facts or principles of a subject or skill.

In these definitions, notice that the two words are nouns, not adjectives.

But they can be adjectives.

Basic’ bros often say they appreciate diversity and culture but such talk usually doesn’t go past blacking out at Oktoberfest and eating a lot of Mexican food. Basic Bros come in all ages, shapes and sizes. 

The essential facts or principles of a basic man aren’t always found on a brewery blog, but who would know better. As a responsible blogger with a sharp audience, I fact check.

Urban dictionary says:

A basic bro will gravitate toward such things as fantasy football, golf, untucked button downs (especially for evening look), own a significant amount of sports attire, Axe, man caves, women who wear large scarves and carry coach bags.

Basic man knows what he likes, and that’s a good thing. But how easily are they influenced? Can they ever break free of their basic instincts?

Since they come in all ages, shapes, and sizes, it looks doubtful. And that’s not a bad thing.

Fundamental Man More Rootsy

Do you know a Fundamental man?

The Urban Dictionary came up with this, but no gender attached like basic.

The very basic or more simplistic form /version that can make up something of a larger and more complex structure/format/design/ect.

If Basic Man is an upgrade over Fundamental Man, which one would you want dating your sister?

The long-time bachelor is a basic man. He knows what he likes and makes no excuses. If you question his choices, he’s got a band of bros for support. Is it possible to disagree with a consensus in your face? Let me know how that goes.

If a woman of a certain age is shopping for a husband, or a second, third, or fourth, husband, which way does she lean?

The first timer is better off with a fundamental man since they’re more likely to change, which means they are the moulding clay of a better relationship.

For marriages into the extra innings, ladies should choose a basic man since they are less work.

Work? Like a job?

If you want to change your partner, if that’s the intent from the start, start with a solid foundation. Once women start working on their guy, grooming them, housebreaking them so they take the trash out and clean up after themselves without being asked, one thing is certain: The women must never change.

Once your guy is locked in, keep him there. If you decide you need a do-over, and take a 180 degree turn to a new life, you’ll go it alone because a fundamental guy will revert back to fundamentals.

“This is who I am now,” she says.

“That’s not who you were when we met,” he says.

“Well this who I am now and you’ll have to get used to it,” she says.

“And this is who I was before we met. Remember me?” That’s male identification talk for, ‘How do you like me now?’

Her next man is a basic man because she’ll need someone who never changes. And why would he?

Freedom’s Just Another Word For Male Identification?

No, it’s not. It’s never been just another word.

Having nothing left to lose isn’t freedom. It’s called quitting, but people who say freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose have already lost the most important things.

I met a crusty old bastard who said, “I’ve been divorced ten years after being married twenty. It took me eight years to get her voice out of my head.”

After talking to him long enough it was clear that his wife’s voice was still in there.

But he said he was free, had his freedom. He didn’t, and here’s why: If you marry with the best intentions, and start a family with an idea of how and where to make it go, you are a ruined man for other women.

As a team, you and the wife laid down the rules of family life. And you lived by the rules. They were good rules. Dependable living conditions, child care, transportation, food, clothes, the works.

In marriage lockdown you maintain the high ground. That’s the essence of male identification. There is no other way. That’s the hill you’re chosen to die on, which is an expression. No one is going to die.

Who is the best choice for a partner depends on your stage of life. If you don’t know what stage of life you’re in, it’s a blind pick.

On one hand you get a blank slate, a puppy. The other choice is a junkyard rescue.

Comments welcome. Are you basic, or fundamental?

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.