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Go Ahead And Text Them. Maybe you’ve noticed? Baby boomer children have an attitude. The print media loves it. Old writers have a new whipping post, young writers get to take offense until they get old enough to find a younger whipping post of their own. Or not. Until then, they want answers to the […]

Powell’s Books, Phillip Margolin, And Worthy Brown’s Daughter

Listen to a man say he writes but only took one college writing class. He admits to grinding out a C+, then says he’d like to talk to an MFA fiction expert one day to learn how writing really works. The same man tried writing historical fiction for thirty years. He took one history class. If the main question of history is, […]

Boomerpdx Explains Blog Traffic One Way

Baby Boomers and blogs? It even sounds like a perfect match. So simple yet so elegant, like a Victoria Secret model’s wardrobe. And like that model, your blog needs legs. Bloggers call it traffic. Traffic? They call it traffic, like cars? If you’ve ever had a yard sale, you know the drill.

Boomerpdx Discovers New Oregon History

And Roosevelt High School Rough Writers.  What pops into your mind when you hear the word “History?” Big books? Musty libraries? A gray bearded professor in tattered tweed? It’s all part of history, just not the appealing part. Why not make your own appealing history? Lay down the five pound doorstop of a book. Take […]

How To Attend A Baby Boomer High School Reunion

Lessons From The Front Whether you’re a city boomer or country boomer, big school or small, these rules apply. If you were home schooled, tag along with friends from the local high school. If your Mom wants to go, you make that call.