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transitional male

Please don’t explain the definition of transitional male.

From a point of view as a male of the species, I like to think I’m always transitioning from who I am to a better version of who I am.

But, as I’m constantly reminded by those who know, it’s not always about me. Of course they’re wrong, but I go along to make them feel better.

The group in the top pic do the same thing.

Those are the republican senators who voted against calling witnesses to Mr. Trump’s senate impeachment hearing.

I got the pic from Jimmy Kimmel’s twitter, @jimmykimmel. He posted it with something like, “this is what being on the wrong side of history looks like.”

It was a bigger picture on twitter. I reduced it because I’m not trying to identify these people in this blog post. My readers know how to find stuff, they know where to look.

Did you think boomerpdx was a spoon feeding site? Now you know. Two republican senators did stand up, so there’s that.

What happened with the folks in the top pic was similar to what they’ve already heard from Mr. Trump, what you’ve heard, what I’ve heard. If readers around the world make it this far in this particular blog post, Mr. Trump said in a video interview, that the women around Hollywood stars like him let them “grab them by the pussy.”

If this is something new to you, forgive my language. The public versions of the tape clean it up, not this one.

The grabby stuff is where a new definition of transitional male bonding happens. If I’ve seen Mr. Trump talk about his hands, and you have, then let’s agree that every republican senator and everyone on their staffs have seen it too. When was it recorded, 2005?

Was the grab-video a hit piece released during the 2016 presidential election a hit piece? It sounded text book tactical. Did it work to hear a God fearing, evangelical praised, intelligent, rich, man talk about women in ways he and his crowd talk about women in unguarded moments?

President Donald J. Trump talked the talk, walked the walk, and kept talking and walking during his first term. And he proved his 2005 analysis correct with the senate vote on impeachment witnesses.

When you’re a Hollywood star like Mr. Trump, women let you grab them; when you’re a senator in President Trump’s Republican Party, same thing. The republican senators supporting Mr. Trump with their deeds and words became his new grab.

By the republican senator’s vote on Mr. Trump’s impeachment, they just sent him a warm thank you. They made transitional male history from their side of the room.


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.