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father knows

Father knows everything, just ask him.

He knows the big secrets and wants you to know he knows.

There isn’t much he doesn’t know, but the lines blur between what he knows and doesn’t know.

Why? Because he’s a bad father.

And he’s got bad father friends. What makes a bad father?

It begins with how they treat women, particularly the mother of their children.

Does everyone agree that women are earthen vessels? If that’s you, move on.

Earthen vessels? Father knows this is bullshit, but it has a nice ring to a certain group.

“I now pronounce you man and earthen vessel?”

“Congratulations, your earthen vessel has had an earthen vessel.”

What kind or code talking is this? Putting your wife on a pedestal isn’t enough?

The earthen vessel guy has lots of ideas about women.

Father Knows How To Help

Consider all of the ghouls who haunt the sidewalks of medical clinics where women go to for help.

Now put them in suits and let them vote on issues important to women.

The link points to a google search on Paul Gosar that includes a header of his pals of both genders.

What kind of parents are these hardworking, dedicated, freedom loving jackasses? Absent. These are absent parents.

Their calling, their mission in life, is aimed at getting elected to do the people’s work.

After they get elected, their main job is getting re-elected. Do you suppose that’s the excuse they tell themselves when they speak to voters?

(“Well, see, I don’t agree with everything I say, but I need the votes.”)

Every time I see and hear these people talk about family values to their constituents, I get a stomach ache.

Absentee Parents And Family Values

What kind of family produces people who grow up, find the need for a father figure, and decide they are just the men for the job.

Kids need their mom and dad to understand what it means to share time together. They need the big people in their lives to set a good example.

Did anyone cringe when the Trump kids stood up and talked about daddy? They know who he is and what he’s all about, but still love him with their entire being.

The strange thing is they seem to expect everyone to feel the same way.

Then, somehow, the same feeling oozed into the dark recesses of people who needed that parental guidance.

Call me old fashioned, but when some blowhard tells a crowd at an assembly to rough up protesters, encourages ushers to not go easy on who they escort out, there’s a problem brewing.

Is this a man who pitted his sons against each other in the wrasslin’ ring, encouraged them to choke each other in the octagon?

Father knows how to raise his kids: Browbeat them all the way down until they straighten up and jump on the gravy train like good boys and girls.

You’re Better Than That, If You’re Wondering

The world is full of the results of bad parenting. Some get over it, others pass it along.

A piss poor parent has expectations like every other parent. Do they want their kids to reflect their values?

“Daddy, who won the 2020 Presidential election?”

Any way you slice it, though, Trump has succeeded in what is probably his short-term objective: keeping attention focused on his own self. That’s always Job One in MAGA-land.

Father knows who won the election, kids. He’s counting on you believing him when he says it was rigged, stolen, that he was cheated.

Good children always believe daddy because he’s daddy.

When it’s grown-ass men and women who know better joining in, the father figure worship takes a turn.

Father knows you might go to jail for him, and likes it.

He knows he’s sunk the hook deep, but keeps yanking.

“Daddy, what happened on Jan. 6?”

“Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures,” Clyde said. “You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

Father knows, just ask him.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.