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(written for When sports jump the tracks onto mainstream media, even non-sport fans benefit. The news about Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling did just that, and so much more. His feelings about 80% of NBA players created a teaching moment. History students, like this blogger, enjoy relating past events and people to current […]


And It’s Bigger Than Yours. You’ve seen the results of baby boomer parents who coddled their kids. Millennials get blamed for being self-centered, lazy, unmotivated. They’re tagged with some of the same names boomers were tagged with by their parents. It wasn’t fair then, and it’s not now. Except there is a big difference. The […]


Greats, Near Great, And Who Was That?   The traditional list for Mt. Rushmore singles out the best of an era. The baby boom era is 1946-1964. Lot’s to choose from. Steven Spielberg makes most lists. So does Tom Hanks and Steve Jobs. Bill Gates is easy to find. Most recently NBA basketball players came out with […]


Break down the history of the baby boomer years and one thing stands out. The earliest group born between 1946-52 carried the burden. They played Cowboys and Indians, Cops and Robbers, Army. It was good clean fun for outdoor play time. Being the good guy in those games meant having a bad guy to chase […]

Ben Affleck or George Clooney, A Monumental Man Dilemma

Which Actor / Director / Producer Works Best For The Next Epic WWII Script? Here on the outskirts of civilization the choice of who would do Flying Home justice grows more complicated. Both Affleck and Clooney won Oscars for producing Argo. Both know Hollywood inside out. George seems to like people for who they are, not what they […]

JFK: The Great Baby Boomer Daddy

From ‘Leader of the Free World’ to ‘Most Powerful Man On Earth’, American Presidents carry many names. Kids raised in the 1950’s and early 60’s saw a remarkable change in the office and added a new title. Out went Eisenhower who looked like everyone’s grandfather. In came Kennedy who looked like their dads. The ‘Great […]

American Baby Boomer History, pt.1

  Little Baby Boomers launched into the world between 1946-1964, the year after WWII ended and LBJ’s first elected Presidential year. Imagine the tension, the residual stress, from a global upheaval that included carpet bombing and comfort women. They did what they had to do to save the world from Nazis and crazed Japanese militants and it […]

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon Cursed

Slate’s culture blog, browbeat, asks of there’s a Good Will Hunting curse on Ben Affleck and Matt Damon? NW Boomer says no, but what about Robin Williams and director Gus Van Sant? Robin and Gus will work it out if there is a curse, but there’s help for Ben and Matt. Writers Sharan Shetty and Holly […]

Ben Affleck, Honorary Baby Boomer?

WWII Movie Proposal Who remembers the film about the illicit love affair that doomed the couple, but they somehow made it work? Or the story about the regular-guy genius who fits in with his crowd? How about movie where one character links historical events in an action packed narrative? NW Boomer counts them down as […]

Boomer History 101

If Your Boomer Man Seems Confused, Here’s Why: It starts with ‘Old School’ and how do you define it. Yes, it’s the title of a Will Farrell movie, but move along. Old School in 2013 could mean the 1980′s, bumped to the 1990′s for twenty-somethings. It works for shorter attention spans, but not longer. Wiki […]