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Search Results for: baby boomer marriage


Making The Effort To Show You Care. Sometimes you come across a great notion and wonder if anyone else notices what you noticed. Notions are trickstery like that. What you see in your mind is all that matters. Does it matter? The mattering starts when you write it out, when you lay it down for […]


She was married to an English rocker for ten years. That’s a lot of tea and  crumpets for an American girl. Probably a lot of Coldplay music, too. That alone might send you off screaming, but there’s still the time factor. Ten years is a good stretch. If there were any mistakes along the way, […]


The older we get, the more protection we need. This isn’t about police and fire sort of protection, it’s about feeling protected. What makes you feel protected, like you’ve done everything you can to insure your safety? Growing up, we had moms and dads protecting us. If we got bullied, our parents stood up for […]


My Granddad was married seven times. It’s a family record that should last forever. If I got married when everyone else in my family did, around 20, instead of waiting until I was 31, I might have had a shot at the record. Added up, my marriage and divorce chart probably would have included my […]

Baby Boomers Fade To Invisible

How many times do you hear it among those of a certain age, like your age: “No one notices me anymore.” Men or women, they say it like it’s the biggest loss of their life. What do they want, their own personal paparazzi? No one worships at the boomer alter. They never did unless they […]

When Baby Boomers Need Advice They Ask Boomers. How About You

Every month a group meets to discuss their entrepreneurial progress. Why? Because there’s something magical about belonging to a group of motivated people breaking new ground. Most are baby boomers, or have the spirit. They’ve broken new ground, old ground, and everything else most of their lives. If they’re not all boomers, then they’ve earned […]

Baby Boomer Thanksgiving Restarts

The idea of a restart sounds like doing something new. A closer look shows something different. You restart after you start, then stop, and start again. The start and stop part makes it sound like you quit. Don’t fall for that trap. Restarting doesn’t always follow quitting. No one likes a quitter, but who doesn’t […]

Boomer Business or Marriage Counseling

If you’ve been married long enough to eat the rest of the wedding cake you saved in the freezer, chances are you’ve heard about Marriage Counseling. If you’ve been in business for yourself there’s an equal chance you’ve talked to someone about better business tactics. Why not cut the time in half by talking to […]

No-Divorce Baby Boomers

Just when it seems everyone’s had enough of boomers, there’s more. They’ll work long enough to keep younger generations out of the big jobs. They’ll live long enough to bankrupt Social Security. And they’ll complain enough until they get what they want. What do they want most?

Miley Cyrus vs Bad Baby Boomer

After every decent woman had her say, after every fluffy-haired television man complains, where is Miley Cyrus? She’s not checked into re-hab, the psych ward, or working on a Nevada ranch. Is she in New Orleans drinking chicken blood in voodoo classes? No. She’s probably working on her next performance. She probably took the horns […]