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Boomer Men Who Nurture

And The Dogs Who Love Them Tell the truth. You like to nurture. Admit it. You’ve learned how, and you like it. Some say a nurturer is born that way; others say it’s a result of a caring environment. You say the sooner you choose one or the other, the better. That’s not a green light to grow […]

Your Chiseled Core

or, You Haven’t Seen The Sights In A While? Maybe it’s a boomer thing, or a Portland baby boomer thing, but middle aged men with abs seems a little too much. True story: I’m sitting in the sauna and a guy walks in behind his chiseled abs. He’s no boomer, so his shorts droop. With […]

Deer House

What To Expect Between The Dream And The House  The next time a stranger starts talking about their baby boomer house, be kind. They’ve most likely been down that road before. No matter what kind of mansion, dump, or hovel they call home, you’ll never hear the whole story.


MAKE THE CHOICES THAT GIVE BACK TO YOU WITH FEELING How does food give back? Do you get bonus points? E-dollars? New coinage? Feeling smart about your choices isn’t good enough? The right food won’t make you taller, re-grow hair, or improve your ballroom skills. It won’t get you off the wall at your next […]


or, HOW MY EIGHTY SIX YEAR OLD MOTHER IN LAW OUT-WALKS YOU You’ve heard the saying “You can’t know someone until you’ve walked in their shoes.” For Portland baby boomers it might be Birkenstocks with socks, which I like. You walk in their footsteps. Or take their path. What’s it mean?


YOU KNOW THE SAME FRIENDS AND LIKE THE SAME PLACES Ed, one of the most transcendent of Portland baby boomers, carried the room at a local bar. He whipped out a micro-laptop the way Elvis played guitar and he spun a web connecting the past, present, and future in his perfect boomer business style. The beer in his pint […]