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Boomer History 101

If Your Boomer Man Seems Confused, Here’s Why: It starts with ‘Old School’ and how do you define it. Yes, it’s the title of a Will Farrell movie, but move along. Old School in 2013 could mean the 1980′s, bumped to the 1990′s for twenty-somethings. It works for shorter attention spans, but not longer. Wiki […]

Dark Boomer Treasure And Martha Hull

A Noir Memoir And Dark Boomer Treasure. The last time I thought so hard about the alphabet was someone asking, “Who told you to write? Who said you could write?” My answer, “Dad, what’s the big deal? I know the alphabet.” I sang the alphabet song to prove it. “Son,” he said, “you’re an English […]

Putin To Portland Baby Boomers

Boomer Dating Gets A Boost. News of Russian President, Prime Minister, Party Leader, and Head of KGB Vladimir Putin’s divorce shocked the homeland. While his fellow citizens in the ultimate red state reacted to their leader’s decision, Portland boomers have a new role model. Putin is a man of the people, in that he’s as frightening […]


One Man’s Chilling Journey ICE stand for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Who knew? (It also stands for an In Case of Emergency number on your cell phone, but that’s another post.) A ICE story landed on the BoomerPDX desk, a story of concern. ICE is a hard time for hard core people who need to leave […]

Boomer Blues Backlash

Robert Plant Headlines Waterfront Blues Fest What’s the greatest fear of going to a Classic Rock concert? Baby boomers face this one all the time. Is it watching a dream weaver come undone in front of your eyes? That the singer shows up so out of shape they huff and puff through their set? That their […]

NW Boomer Cruise

Finding Fun In Your Backyard River The next time you bike or walk, drive or fly, keep an eye out for bridges. They show local rivers to paddle. If you lived in the same town a while and never been on the water, the time is ripe. This is baby boomer nirvana.

Multi-Gen Boomer Home?

The Main Fear Of Living Alone A benefit of living with different age groups is the point of view. Both ends squeeze the middle, which is fine if you’re not in the middle. For better and worse, baby boomers sit right in the middle. They are the meat in the generational sammy. The youths grow to […]

Duck Chopping Block

Axes Always Look Bigger In The Air Says NW Boomer Will the NCAA finally explain the evils of Chip Kelly? All the man did was put Eugene on the recruiting trail. What he didn’t do was learn to wipe off fingerprints along the way. Maybe it’s excusable for a New Hampshire guy who’s never worried about […]

Live Well On Less?

Boomers, Go Gingham Style The beauty of the blogosphere is finding good ideas and making them better. Sometimes an idea is too good. Go Gingham is one of them. If you’ve ever hyperventilated in Nordstroms and wondered why, or felt disturbed after you noticed everything in big-box stores come from China, you need a new style. Think of it as going off the ‘mass-consumer’ […]

Pride Parade NW Boomer Style

You Know You’ve Arrived When: A string of parades hit town recently. The big three were the Starlight, the Rose, and the Pride Parade. Each one has it’s Portland vibe.